Locationsand contacts

Location and contacts

Location Bergheim

Walter-Gropius-Str. 1
50126 Bergheim, Germany
phone: +49 2271 465 0

24-hour on-call service:
phone: +49 2271 465 150

Head of Division

Thomas Schmidt
phone: +49 2271 465 411
mobile phone: +49 152 28828 350
e-mail: t.schmidt@wasel-krane.de

Sales – Cologne/Koblenz Region

Niels Jablonski
mobile phone: +49 152 28828 085
e-mail: n.jablonski@wasel-krane.de

Rental – Cologne/Koblenz Region

Michael Klein
mobile phone: +49 152 28828 141
e-mail: m.klein@wasel-krane.de

Kurt Wegener
mobile phone: +49 152 28828 314
e-mail: k.wegener@wasel-krane.de

Project Management

Jörg Welling
phone: +49 2271 465 428
mobile phone: +49 152 28828 291
e-mail: j.welling@wasel-krane.de

Tobias Mebs
phone: +49 2271 465 444
mobile phone: +49 152 28828 974
e-mail: t.mebs@wasel-krane.de

Technical Management

Norbert Zahnen
phone: +49 2271 465 440
mobile phone: +49 152 28828 366
e-mail: n.zahnen@wasel-krane.de

In-House Service Tower Cranes

Anja Jansen
phone +49 2271 465 304
e-mail: a.jansen@wasel-krane.de

Inge Logen
phone +49 2271 465 435
e-mail: i.logen@wasel-krane.de

Gülcan Nigar
phone: +49 2271 465 450
e-mail: g.nigar@wasel-krane.de

Service – Assembly Technician Scheduling 

Achim Esser
phone +49 2271 465 453
e-Mail: a.esser@wasel-krane.de

Spare Part Department Manager

Norbert Pitz
phone: +49 2271 465 451
e-mail: n.pitz@wasel-krane.de

In-House Spare Part Department

Anett Ohliger
phone: +49 2271 465 456
e-mail: a.ohliger@wasel-krane.de

Can Ozan
phone: +49 2271 465 441
e-mail: c.ozan@wasel-krane.de

Holger Gödden
phone: +49 2271 465 458
e-mail: h.goedden@wasel-krane.de

Workshop Management

Gerd Kann
phone: +49 2271 465 328
e-mail: g.kann@wasel-krane.de

Location Berlin

Gehrenseestraße 19
13053 Berlin, Germany
phone +49 30 8320999 0

24-hour on-call service:
phone: +49 30 8320999 50

Branch Mangement

Nicolai Knabe
mobile phone: +49 152 28828 829
e-mail: n.knabe@wasel-krane.de

Sales – Berlin/Brandenburg Region 

Dennis Pangerl
mobile phone: +49 152 28828 082
e-mail: d.pangerl@wasel-krane.de

Rental – Berlin/Brandenburg Region

Mathias Scherer
phone +49 30 8320999 54
mobile phone: +49 152 28828 300
e-mail: m.scherer@wasel-krane.de

Bernd Soost
phone: +49 30 8320999 53
mobile phone: +49 152 28828 550
e-mail: b.soost@wasel-krane.de

Scheduling & Planning

Dirk Lehnert
mobile phone: +49 152 28828 256
E-Mail: d.lehnert@wasel-krane.de

In-House Service 

Gabriele Zweig
phone: +49 30 8320999 50
e-mail: g.zweig@wasel-krane.de

Jacqueline Wartemann
phone: +49 30 8320999 63
e-mail: j.wartemann@wasel-krane.de

Spare Part Department

Steffen Kämmerer
phone: +49 30 8320999 52
e-mail: s.kaemmerer@wasel-krane.de